Are Digestive Enzymes Worth Taking?

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Digestion is so much more than eating and processing food. In order to properly absorb and utilize nutrients from food, we have to ensure that we are breaking down those food particles so our body can use them. Digestion and absorption can be affected by digestive disorders, stress, age, drinking too much water at meals, food intolerances/sensitivities, etc.

Stress is one of the biggest factors that can negatively impact digestion. Within our gut is a “second brain” called the enteric nervous system (ENS). The ENS contains over 500 million neurons. The vagus nerve is one of the biggest nerves connecting your gut and brain and send signals both ways. When we are stressed out physically or psychologically, the vagus nerve sends a signal to the gut to slow down digestive processes. This can trigger bloating, pain, gut discomfort and even changes in gut microbiota over time.

When you are going through stressful seasons of life, it’s important to make digestion a priority. I recommend supplementing with digestive enzymes such as Digest ALL. Digest ALL is a vegetarian contains full-spectrum vegetarian-based enzymes and herbs to support healthy digestion. This formula contains a combination proteases (protein digestion), carbohydrases (carbohydrate digestion), and lipase (fat digestion).

Digestive enzymes are produced by the glands in the mouth, stomach, gallbladder, small intestine, and the pancreas and play a crucial role in breaking down the food you eat. These proteins speed up chemical reactions that turn nutrients into substances that your digestive tract can fully absorb. However, if you have digestive issues or a diagnosed digestive disorder, your body may not produce enough enzymes necessary to break down food. Taking digestive enzymes right before a meal have shown to benefit those with IBS.

I like to take Digest ALL before a big meal or with a meal that contains something I know my body does not digest well such as dairy. Digest ALL contains lactase which is the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Studies have shown that those with IBS are better able to tolerate lactose containing foods after taking a digestive enzyme with lactase.

In addition to taking a Digest ALL, I recommend focusing on stress reduction especially around meals.

  • Deep Breathing: take 5-10 deep breaths before and after meals to put your body in a “rest and digest” mode.

  • Eat around positive people: this can help to decrease stress levels and make the eating experience more enjoyable. If you eat around people who talk about negative topics and that make you more anxious and stressed, your digestion might take a hit!

  • Turn off electronics while you are eating: scrolling through social media, watching a show, or checking the news can create mindlessness around the meal. You may also be watching something that could bring up negative emotions, resulting in poor digestion.

Where to buy Digest ALL?

You can order Digest ALL here and use the code “EMMYSYUMMYS” for 20% off

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