Eating Intuitively With Dietary Restrictions

Being able to eat foods without guilt, stress or anxiety sounds like a dream come true, but if you have a dietary restriction you may be wondering how this might look for you. In this blog post, I will be answering just how to eat intuitively with dietary restrictions.

Let’s first start by explaining the difference between a food allergy versus a food intolerance.

Food Allergy - causes an immune system reaction that affects numerous organs in the body, can cause an anaphylactic shock)

Food Intolerance - similar to a food allergy but does not involve an immune responses to a particular food, symptoms usually result in digestive or skin conditions. This could be due to factors such as an enzyme deficiency or a digestive reaction to certain compounds within foods.

Are Food Sensitivity Tests Legitimate?

There are numerous food sensitivity tests you can buy at the stores, but the real question is are they reliable? Truthfully, those food sensitivity tests are not a validated test to help you identify food sensitivities. Diagnosis of a food sensitivity involves a detailed description of diet history and working with a qualified health professional to help you eliminate and reintroduce foods to identify the root of your symptoms. Several studies have shown that people who suspect food sensitivity often identify the wrong food or have another reason for their symptoms.

Food sensitivity tests often base the results off an IgG response in the body. What this actually tells you is how often you may have consumed a particular food. Higher levels could mean that you just have eaten those foods more regularly rather than actually being sensitive or intolerant to that food. The bottom line: save your money and work with a qualified professional to help you identify the root of your symptoms.

How To Eat Intuitively With Dietary Restrictions

So let’s just say you have confirmed that you do have a real food allergy or medical condition that prevents you from eating a particular food, you still can 100% be an intuitive eater without having a ton of food rules.

Eating intuitively does not mean you always eat whatever you want, whenever you want. It’s about learning to listen to your body and finding a sweet spot with food again. The goal of intuitive eating is being able to honor both your physical and your mental health. If you know that a certain food will bring you pain, digestive discomfort, or a serious reaction….. you may not want to choose that option because you know your body does not respond well to it. Here are 5 tips to make eating intuitively a little bit easier for you:

#1 Focus on what you CAN have, versus what you can’t

If you only pay attention to the foods that you cannot have, you are more than likely going to feel even more and more deprived. Let’s say you have Celiac’s disease and can’t eat gluten. Luckily, there are so many amazing alternatives and options for you at the grocery stores these days! There are gluten free breads, pastas, pizzas, and baking mixes to choose from! The same thing applies if for other common allergens. Focus on what you CAN have within your diet and trying new foods that you can enjoy!

#2 Plan Ahead!

Imagine that you are going out with some friends and are trying to decide where to eat. Don’t be afraid of reminding them of what you are allergic or intolerant to and asking if they could find a place that has some options for you! You are not a burden by stating your needs. If you are in the position of not being able to control where you are going to eat, this is where practical intuitive eating comes in. You may have to bring some food along with you or eat before so you aren’t starving later on.

#3 Get Creative in the Kitchen

Just because you have a food allergy/intolerance doesn’t mean you have to eat bland or boring foods. Use this as an opportunity to explore new foods and recipes. You are not the only one in the world with the same issue. Look up or create new recipes that taste good and can become staples in your diet can go a long way for when you feel FOMO when it comes to food. You might even get some of your family and friends to enjoy those alternatives with you!

#4 Take snacks with you (everywhere)

I would like to think this tip would benefits everyone, but take snacks with you on the go! Just like in tip #2 you may find yourself in a situation where there are no options for you. Having snacks with you just in case so you don’t go hungry can be just what you need to continue on your intuitive eating journey.

#5 Work with a Registered Dietitian

Trying to get down to the root cause of any digestive issues you are having can be super frustrating if you have no clue what foods may be causing them. Working with a registered dietitian can help you get to the root of the issue so you can identify what your food triggers are so you can regain freedom around food, instead of eliminating a ton of different foods.

You may even be able to enjoy and tolerate foods that you were once “sensitive” to once you get the help you need!

You may have days where you really crave a food that you cannot have due to a dietary restriction. However, food freedom with a dietary restriction is possible. Try recognizing which foods make your body and mind feel it’s best and that you enjoy eating. I hope you found this post to be helpful!

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