Virtual 1:1 Coaching

An individualized approach that will teach you how to trust your body and listen to its cues, without dieting, restriction, or food rules.

Emily Vazquez having virtual 1:1 coaching call

Do you wish you could eat without having guilt, obsession, or the fear of losing control?

Are you tired of dieting and following food rules that likely has only worsened your relationship with food?

Do you feel like you're constantly trying to battle against your own body?

Imagine what it would be like to…

  • Be able to listen to your body without following food rules or restricting the foods you love

  • Trust your internal hunger and fullness cues to tell you how much, when, and what to eat

  • Eat without feeling anxiety, guilt or stress

  • Accept your body instead of feeling at constant war with it

  • Think about food less so you can focus on more important things in life!

Emily Vazquez enjoying a bowl of popcorn

As a Registered Dietitian who has helped so many women improve their relationship with food, I get it. Healing from years of diet beliefs is not an easy thing to do.

My private coaching is for those who are ready to put an end to restrictive dieting, rebuild trust with their body, improve their body image and create lifelong, sustainable habits around food. I can help you figure out a way of eating that is right for you and that allows you to take care of your body, without restriction or deprivation. My approach will allow you to discover how to nourish your body in a way that allows you to live your healthiest and happiest life.

What To Expect

We will work together to help you develop a healthy relationship with food. You'll learn how to trust your body and listen to its cues, without dieting, restriction, or food rules.


  • 1 hour Initial Consultation + bimonthly 45 minute check-in’s via Zoom

  • Self-paced modules: You'll have access to self-paced modules covering Emily’s proven framework that she created as a Registered Dietitian to help you make peace with food and your body. This includes downloadable videos, PDF’s and daily tools to use to support you on your journey.

  • Private client portal: In between session support and accountability to help you set realistic goals and to take action

  • Personalized support and guidance: We gently guide you through the program and give you the space to discuss and share your experiences. This may include nutrition education and guidance, exploring core beliefs, mindset reshaping, body image concerns, and personal health goals.

Emily Vazquez working with nutrition clients

Private Coaching is for you if you…

  • Feel like food is always on your mind

  • Are tired of being in a cycle of restricting and bingeing

  • Have an “all-or-nothing” mentality with food

  • Want to learn how to fully understand your hunger and fullness cues so you can pursue health without diet rules

  • Prefer to get support in a private setting, instead of a group

  • Are looking for more individualized help in regards to nutrition, body image, and unpacking your relationship with food

Box of delicious donuts

Book a Discovery Call

Booking a discovery call allows me to learn more about you, your relationship to food and your body, what you are struggling with and how I can support you with your goals. You will have the chance to ask any questions about coaching and pricing options.

Real Stories From Past Clients

Sadie’s Story

How Sadie stopped binge eating and learned how to eat without fear of losing control.

Jessica’s Story

How Jessica overcame being stuck in “quasi recovery” and healed her relationship with food & her body.

More Testimonials

Are you ready to heal your relationship with food?