How To Deal With Bad Body Image Days

Everyone has bad body image days every now and then. Even those who are strong advocates for body positivity and self-acceptance…. there are some days that you might not feel as confident in your body. We live in a culture that is obsessed with a thin and lean body. When people idolize that as the “beauty ideal”, it can be easy to fall into the comparison trap and start picking your body apart.

It is helpful to have some tips up your sleeve for when you do have those bad body image days (when they will inevitably come up time to time). These tips may not be the first thing you think of to do on a bad body image day, but over time they can become your new normal as you create more positive habits.

#1 Opposite Action

Instead of focusing all your energy on the things you wish were different about yourself, say 3-5 things you like about yourself. It could be both internal and external. The more you give yourself positive self-talk, the more those thoughts become more and more true to yourself. Thank your body for all that it does for you and remember that this is the only body you will ever have, might as well be nice to it.

#2 Wear Something That Makes You Feel Good

Some people like to wear baggy and loose clothes on bad body image days. But sometimes it is even worth sprucing yourself up and going out of your way to make yourself smile. We tend to feel more confident and motivated when we look presentable and it can change your day around instantly.

#3 Remember That You Are Your Own Worst Critic

You may be the most critical person to yourself. Remember that no one else is as hard on you but yourself. While you might be thinking you “don’t look good”, other people are more worried about themselves than hyper focusing on your body. It also is a good reminder that everyone has some body image issues themselves. We all bloat, get acne, have bad hair days, gain weight…. we are all human.

#4 Check In With Yourself

How are you REALLY feeling? Maybe you tend to focus more on how your body looks when you are stressed or anxious. Check in with yourself and ask how you can address your underlying emotion instead of taking it out on your body.

Sometimes we just don’t know how we are truly feeling. Working with a professional to help you get to the bottom of this and to provide you with the framework for creating a more positive body image is more helpful than doing it alone.

#5 Clean Your Social Media

Are you following accounts that you are constantly comparing yourself to? Following people that make you feel less worthy can create a negative self image when we are not consciously aware of what we are viewing on a daily basis. It’s okay to unfollow people if it means that your mental health will improve.

Remember that everyone feels this way from time to time. You are not alone. Reminding yourself to take extra care of yourself on those days is crucial for creating a more positive body image over time. Also keep in mind that NO BODY is perfect and that the “ideal body” changes with every decade.

Your body is yours and it’s beautiful just the way it is.


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