Going "All In" for Binge Eating and Period Recovery

What Does Going “All In” Mean?

The term “all in” gained traction through online influencers who embraced the concept of going in an attempt to reclaim their menstrual cycle and enhance overall well-being. Going "all in" involves relinquishing all food restrictions and eating whatever you want, whenever you want. Typically, the aim is to restore your menstrual cycle or recover from an eating disorder, often pursued by individuals seeking to gain weight or alleviate feelings of "extreme hunger."

"Extreme hunger" can manifest in various forms, particularly during periods of strict dieting or rapid weight loss attempts. Symptoms may include a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction, episodes of binge eating, metabolic shifts, fluctuations in weight, and more.

Individuals who adopt the "all in" approach try to stop their extreme hunger signals and fully embrace unrestricted eating. However, it's crucial to recognize that this may not necessarily be what you really need…

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Should you go “All In?”

As a registered dietitian, this is typically not something I would recommend for folks who are recovering from an eating disorder or disordered eating. Here are three reasons why:

*of course it is always best to consult a registered dietitian or your doctor 1:1 when it comes to your individualized needs

  1. Going all in can be very triggering, especially if you already struggle to listen to your fullness cues. It can contribute to that out-of-control feeling, and can even feel very physically uncomfortable.

  2. If you go “all in” without really healing your relationship with food or getting to the root cause of your food concerns, they will likely still be there. You may still criticize your food, hate what you see in the mirror, want to lose weight, and have negative self talk. It’s important to address these issues for true healing. You can’t heal a body that you hate.

  3. Going “all in” doesn’t show you how to tune in to your body and listen to your hunger cues. Many people claim this will help you get back to your homeostasis and be able to feel those feelings again, but if you’re used to bingeing eating or undereating, then it will be hard for you to truly eat intuitively just because you started eating a lot of food. In fact, it may just swing the pendulum the other way and make it even more difficult.

  4. Going “all in” on your own can leave you feeling frustrated and alone. Trying to implement food or eating routines from an influencer doesn’t guarantee you’ll have the same experience that they did. PSA: You can eat the same way as someone, do their workout routine, and still not look like them. If you are struggling with food you deserve 1:1 support from an intuitive eating and nutrition professional.

Period Recovery

If you are on a journey to restore your period, that’s great! AND “all in” is likely not the only or the best way to get there. There will probably be other lifestyle modifications and dietary changes that are needed, not to mention some folks think they are going “all in” but still aren’t eating enough for their body’s needs.

Nutrition is SO nuanced, which is why it’s crucial to get your advice and guidance from a trusted professional. If you are on a period recovery journey, dealing with extreme hunger, or are trying to learn how to eat more intuitively, this is exactly what I help women do in my 1:1 group coaching program. You’ll learn how to ditch diets for good and eat based on your own intuition and needs.

Click here to learn more and apply for Nourished To Thrive.


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